
tisdag 2 mars 2021

Preparering inför lackering pågår för fullt

Jag slipar med långkloss så svetten lackar och det blir väldigt dammigt i resultatet blir bra.

Just nu är det området mellan grillsarg och vindruta som färdigställs.

När grillsargen var slipad och riktad så passade jag in den mot karossen och lade en finspackling mot tejpad sarg för att få till en fin övergång. Sen har jag fortsatt med resten av ytorna och alla springor.


Jag har även gjort om bakre hjulhusen lite då jag hade en diff på två millimeters utstick mellan höger och vänster sida. 

Man såg detta först efter grundlackering. 

Jag slipade plåtrent på bägge sidor och riktade med träklubban mot träkloss. När profilmåttet var lika så finspacklade jag tre varv med mellanslipning.

Nu är jag nöjd

Jag får hem de trycksvarvade strålkastarsargarna imorrn. Då kan jag justera karossen för dessa och se till att dom blir inpassade med strålkastare.

Det blir kul!


4 kommentarer:

  1. Do you know how much the P958-X series prototype cars weighed, compared to the Jensen prototypes or the production cars? One criticism of the cars has always been that they were too heavy for their power. I've read that the original target weight for the project was only 2000 lb., which would have been a good match for the 100 HP motor. But somewhere between the original project start and the final production, the cars gained almost 500 lb. I am curious at what stage that happened, at Frua or at Jensen. You now have a lot of experience with both the Frua and Jensen bodies and interiors, and I wonder if you have insight regarding comparative weight, either from a design perspective or materials. Thanks, I love your blog!!!!

  2. I compare the registration weight between my Jensen P1800 and P958-X3 and the later is only 20kg less. It is mainly the bodywork that have less solid profiles in the sills to A-pillars and lack the double metal sections underneath the luggage floor. The B16 is smaller than B18, the ENV rear axle is slightly smaller than M27, but not much difference I believe. Interior wise no big differences that would explain weight differences

    Happy you enjoy the Blog

    /MR X3

  3. Thanks, that is very interesting!!! So I guess the early weight target was only a project goal, and not realized even in the first prototypes. So I assume than that the original steel panels of 958-X3 about the same thickness as the production cars? I was always impressed by the thickness of Volvo panels compared, for example, to VW's. The P1800 production door hinges weigh, I think, over 10 KG. Karman Ghia door hinges are tiny and made of aluminum... Thanks again, I love your work! Paul

  4. Yes, the metal is about the same thickness in the prototype, but like I mentioned a lot of reinforcement panels are not there. The hinges for doors are actually a lot smaller compared to production. I guess the lower weight was just a target. With the background of P1900 I believe Volvo was short term afraid of bad quality components and overreacted on some parts like door hinges :-)

    Mr X3
